How Does it Work?
The meteorological station is solar powered and uses equipment primarily from
Campbell Scientific Inc. to read sensors, store and process data, and provide telemetry. A CR1000 data logger is used to measure and store data from a variety of sensors. Air temperature is measured by two different sensors. One sensor is a combined air temperature/relative humidity sensor (HMP45C). The second sensor is a custom built thermistor, which includes two YSI thermistors. This sensor allows colder temperature readings, common for Fairbanks winters. Wind speed and direction is measured by a R.M. Young 05103 wind monitor.
Data is automatically retrieved from the station using a Linux version of Loggernet Admin. This allows us a robust and secure communication system. The near-real-time data displays and plotting is achieved through RTMC-Pro. Data is automatically retrieved from the station every 15 minutes and online information is updated approximately every 15 minutes.
How are Temperatures in Alaska and Texas Different?
How does the weather at Creamers Field in Fairbanks compare with Caddo Lake in Northeast Texas? At times temperature conditions can be very different, while the at other times it can be the same. Why?
See current comparison data for Creamers Field (GFM02) and Caddo Lake (GCL01).
Contact George "Bub" Mueller at for additional information.