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Bushland Meteorology Station Project

GW Scientific has established a meteorological station in the Old Prairie West section of Bushland, Texas. The below series of data plots show meteorologic data and near-surface soil temperature information. "Click" on the various buttons to see different meteorological parameters, such as temperature and wind. The data are plotted on different time scales which may be seen by selecting the various time period buttons.

Station Technical Information

The Bushland meteorology station is solar-powered and uses equipment primarily from Campbell Scientific (CS) to read sensors, store and process data, and provide telemetry. A CR1000X data logger is used to measure and store data from a variety of sensors and allow operator control of the station functions.

Data are automatically retrieved every 15 minutes from the station using a Windows version of Loggernet Admin. This allows for a robust and secure communication system. The near-real-time data display is achieved through RTMC-Pro.

Information on the Weather Pages is updated every 15 minutes. Measurements and calculations are made every 5 seconds, except for soil temperature which is measured every 15 minutes.

Air Temperature and Relative Humidity are measured with a Campbell Scientific HygroVUE10 sensor mounted 6.5 feet (2 m) above ground level (AGL). Wind speed and direction are measured with a RM Young 05103 Wind Monitor mounted 10 feet (3 m) above ground level (AGL). Wind direction is measured in degrees from true north. Rain is measured with a Campbell Scientific RainVUE10 sensor. All data are provided in both metric and US Customary units.

On the RTMC plots, the dew point is calculated from a HygroVUE10's air temperature and relative humidity measurements. The wind chill is calculated using wind speed from the RM Young 05103. Wind chill is calculated using the following National Weather Service (NWS) wind-chill equation, where T = Air Temperature (°F) and V = Wind Speed (mph). The equation only applies if wind speed is ≥ 3 mph and air temperature is ≤ 50 °F; otherwise, wind chill temperature equals air temperature.

Rain is measured with a Campbell Scientific RainVUE10 tipping bucket rain gage. Soil temperatures at depths of 2, 6, and 12 inches (5, 15, and 30 cm) are measured with Campbell Scientific 109 temperature sensors.

Project Contact Information

Please contact one of the following individuals for additional information about the project, or to report any data outages

Ron Paetzold (GW Scientific),, 979-220-6838 (cell)

Michael Lilly (GW Scientific),, 907-322-3008 (cell)

Additional Information

Project Home Image Viewer Weather Diagnostics Status MesoWest

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