Instrumentation Services Provided by GW Scientific
- Environmental and hydrologic monitoring
- Electrical and mechanical-system monitoring and control
- Remote system, wireless, and Internet data-acquisition systems design and installations
- Custom Hydro-Meteorological Stations: Temperature, pressure, wind speed, relative humidity, soil moisture, and water-level sensing are just a few of the parameters we can measure for your project
- Data Acquisition and Control Systems design, installation, maintenance and operation
- Custom thermistor strings for measuring sub-surface temperature profiles in soils and water.
- Green building and LEED monitoring
- Facility environmental monitoring
Instrumentation Products Available Through GW Scientific
GW Scientific is Alaska's top OEM dealer for Campbell Scientific, a manufacturer of scientific and engineering data acquisition
and sensing equipment. Some of the products available include:
Campbell Scientific-integrated Free Wave spread-spectrum radios RF452 for wireless
data communications. These radios do not require licensing and have a throughput of 115.2 KBaud at up to 60 miles line-of-site range. Longer
transmission ranges can be achieved with repeaters.
Please contact us for more information on our value added services or on tailoring instrumentation
or control systems to your specific needs.