GW Scientific Logo
1-907-479-8891 |
P.O. Box 81538 | Fairbanks, Alaska | 99708
Eastern Alaska Range, Alaska, 2018 Traverse

Geo-Watersheds Scientific (GW Scientific) works with research partners from universities, industry, and agencies to improve the understanding and management of water resources.

Our research projects in sustainable development include improvements in Northern communities and environmental resource development technologies. We also provide technical consulting, investigations, training, and other professional geohydrology, hydrology, environmental, data networks and instrumentation services. We pride ourselves in leading the way in establishing large remote data acquisition systems across the state of Alaska.

Our most current projects involves groundwater and surface-water interaction in support of aquatic and riparian resource investigations for the Susitna Watana Hydro Project. See Past Meeting presentations for Groundwater Study 7.5 for study presentations. Additional project efforts include design, installation and operations of the near-real-time data network, using Campbell Scientific data acquisition systems and Freewave based radio communications.

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