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AAIC Gulkana Glacier Avalanche Forecast Project AAIC Gulkana Glacier Avalanche Forecast Project AAIC Gulkana Glacier Avalanche Forecast Project AAIC Gulkana Glacier Avalanche Forecast Project AAIC Gulkana Glacier Avalanche Forecast Project
Project Home Weather Diagnostics

AAIC Gulkana Glacier Avalanche Forecast Project

The Alaska Avalanche Information Center (AAIC) Gulkana Glacier Avalanche Forecast Project winter hazards station (AGW01) is located on the ridge top between the Gulkana and Canwell Glaciers. The project provides a high elevation weather station to help with avalanche and general weather forecasting in the Gulkana Glacier region for the Eastern Alaska Range Avalanche Center (EARAC) community, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) forecasters, Alaska Department of Transportation (ADOT) 511, and the public.

We want to thank AAIC, Avalanche Alliance, and GWS personnel for coming together to make this happen. A $14,000 donation from Alliance Avalanche helped cover the majority of station equipment costs, and a donation of $22,000 so far from GWS has covered the remaining equipment, station design, remote support, and online data publishing costs. Members of AAIC volunteered their time to install the station at Gulkana Glacier over the course of 2 days at the beginning of December, 2024.

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Project Contact Information

Please contact one of the following individuals for additional information about the project, or to report any data outages:

Hank Statscewich (AAIC),

Phillip Wilson (GW Scientific),, 907-322-7296 (cell)

Michael Lilly (GW Scientific),, 907-322-3008 (cell)

Ron Paetzold (GW Scientific),, 979-220-6838 (cell)

Additional Information

Project Home Weather Diagnostics

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